Ubiquiti Airmax Gigabeam Radio GBE
airMAX AC 60 GHz/5 GHz Radio with 1+ Gbps Throughput
The GigaBeam is a 60 GHz radio designed for low-interference and high-throughput connectivity. It includes a 5 GHz radio for failover. For the 60 GHz link, the GigaBeam supports full bandwidth use of 2.16 GHz. The dedicated management radio allows easy setup via...
60 Ghz Wireless Systems
Ubiquiti Networks GBE-LR-AU airMAX GigaBeam Long-Range 60/5 GHz Radio
Ubiquiti GBE-LR
Ubiquiti Networks GBE-LR airMAX GigaBeam Long-Range 60/5 GHz Radio Ubiquiti Networks GBE-LR GigaBeam airMAX AC 60 GHz/5 GHz Radio with 1+ Gbps Throughput and Up to 2 km Range Ubiquiti Networks GBE-LR airMAX GigaBeam features a high-gain dish antenna, the GBE-LR GigaBeam LR is a 60 GHz radio designed for low-interference and...
60 Ghz Wireless Systems
Ubiquiti airMAX GigaBeam Plus Bridge 60GHz Link with True Duplex
This pair of high speed Gigabeam Plus working in 60ghz frequency can create a very fast, stable link (LOS is required) for up to 1km !